Sunday, March 18, 2012




Narain Kataria in New York
(718) 478-5735/(718) 271-0453

The vituperative comments by Anna Hazare Team Member Prashant Bhushan in the main stream media last week against RSS and Chief Minister Narendra Modi are not only appalling but also highly reprehensible. It looks as if this loony leftists is suffering from cognitive disorder, Hinduphobia, or both.

It is a matter of great regret and shame that instead of expressing sympathy with 58 innocent Hindu women and children who were burnt alive by 2000 Muslims goons at Godhra station on February 27, 2002, this guy has the temerity to find fault with Hindus and Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi! Narendra Modi is a very capable administrator and knows full well as to how to handle religious bigots with an iron hand. That is the reason, in the last 10 years, there is complete harmony and peace in Gujarat!

Conversely, relentless jihad against Hindus and Sikhs is going on in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hindu girls are kidnapped, converted to Islam and forcibly married to Muslim men. Hindus live in Pakistan and Bangladesh under Islamic subjugation. In December 2011, 250 Hindus left their homes and hearths and sought political asylum in India. In November 2011, 4 Hindu doctors were gunned down in Sind by Islamic militants. In May, 2010, according to a report in DNA 50 Pakistani Hindus were converted to Islam under pressure from their employers. Hindus have been almost ethnically cleansed in Pakistan. Bangladesh Minority Watch in January 2012 reported that some Muslims perpetrators wearing masks and equipped with deadly weapons attacked Hindus and destroyed Hindu deities in Barisal district.

More than half a million Hindus have been forcibly driven from the Indian state of Kashmir by Deobandi / Barelvi / Salafist / Wahhabi Islamic terrorists.

Though Radical Islamists have been murdering innocent people all over the world as mentioned below, it is inexplicable as to why this guy is supporting Islamic terrorism in India. Last year he had been beaten for supporting separation of Kashmir from India.

This guy is exploiting his position with Anna Hazare to promote his pro-terrorist agenda. Thus, he is tarnishing the image of Anna Hazare. This dubious character is a security risk and should be watched by intelligence agencies. He should also be investigated by CBI for his links with ISI operatives.

It is also disgusting to note that media, particularly English, in collusion with deadly combination of Leftist-Islamist activists cynically exploited the 10th anniversary of Gujarat riot to denigrate, degrade, demonize and vilify Hindu organizations and Narendra Modi.

A cursory glance at the history of terrorism will clearly indicate the fact that most of the terrorist activities, at least 95% of them, all over the world in the last 50 years have been and are being conducted by the adherents of Islam and trained Islamic terrorists..

The World Trade Center in New York, Beslan in Russia, Bali in Indonesia, Madrid in Spain, London, Mumbai, Godhra Railway Station in India, India’s Parliament Complex in New Delhi, Thailand and Philippine – these were all cases of global Muslim terrorism.

Recently in his 36 page report entitled “Building Resilience against Terrorism”, Canda’s Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said that muslim extremists are the number one threat to Canada.

In Sudan, Jihad was declared and approximately two and half million Christians were butchered by Islamists.

Boko Haram, an Islamic organization in Nigeria, is believed to be responsible for killing and maiming hundreds of people.

Somali Jihadists and The Islamist al-Shabab militia who are slaughtering people like goats in Mogadishu are all the followers of Islam.

There is a wholesale attack and murder of Coptic Christians in Egypt by the Islamic Brotherhood.

Last month, 40 Islamic extremist organizations held three big public meetings in Pakistan. In Multan, Lahore and Karachi somewhere between 50,000 to 100,000 jihadists vigorously participated in each meeting. They vowed to break India into pieces, kill Americans and wipe out Israel.

Under the circumstances, we suggest that this guy should be immediately removed from Anna Hazare Team and arrested by Government of India for seditious activities.

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