(Truth Prevails)
Dear Colleagues:
It will give you pleasure to know that the Complaint filed by Indian National Overseas Congress at the instance of Indian National Congress headed by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, against Satya Dosapati, Naresh Sharma, Mahatma Gandhi Center and Hindu Temple, International Foundation, Inc., Sunanda Thali, Hindu International Concil Against Defamation, Inc., and John Does 1-100, was dismissed with prejudice by Judge Nicholas J. Stroumtsos, Jr., J.S.C. on Jan. 14th, 2009.
In this connection, I would like to inform you that earlier Indian National Overseas Congress had filed two cases against Narain Kataria (me), Arish Sahani, et al. in New York Court and against Satya Dosapati, Sunanda Thali, et al. in New Jersey Court in the amout of $100 million. Since the allegations were frivolous, flimsy and had no locus standi, they were rejected. The New Jersey case was flatly dismissed and New York case was withdrawn by the Plaintiff.
The purpose behind filing these three cases against us was to muzzle our voice, make us financially bankrupt, isolate us, make an example of us and terrorize us into submission.
But the unity and solidarity displayed by NRIs have shattered the malicious designs of those who do not believe in freedom of expression and liberty of thought.
This is the third consecutive ignominious defeat suffered by Indian National Overseas Congress.
We have set an unprecedented example for all the NRIs to follow. The lesson is that if we all stand up together courageously with unshakeable determination, no one, howsoever powerful he or she may be, can match our resolve and resources.
Congratulation to all of you for this brilliant victory. The credit for this goes to all of you who stood behind us like a rock.
Copy of the judgment is attached herewith.
With highest regards,
Narain Kataria
41-67 Judge Street, Suite 5P
Elmhurst , N.Y. 11373
(718) 478-5735/(718) 271-0453
India is a predominantly Hindu nation. 83% of the Indian population is Hindu. But it is a matter of great regret that India is the only country in the world where the Hindu majority population is being ruled by the 17% minority communities.
Sonia Maino Gandhi, the President of the ruling Congress Party is a practicing Catholic Christian. Her son Rahul Gandhi who is being groomed as the next Prime Minister of India is also a Christian. Sonia’s daughter Priyanka Vadera and her husband are also Christians. India’a Defense Minister is A. K. Anthony, a Christian.
Sonia’s closest advisors are: Margaret Alva (resigned recently), Oscar Fernandes, Ambika Soni, all Christians (yes, despite Ambika’s Hindu sounding name, she is a Christian). India’s Vice President is Mohammad Hamid Ansari. Ahmed Patel, Gulam Nabi Azad and Salman Khurshid – the core members of Sonia’s think tank – are all Muslims.
Dr. Shakeel Ahmad is Minister of State in Home Ministry, a very sensitive post. One more fundamentalist Islamist E. Ahmed, President of the Indian Union Muslim League is the Union Minister for External Affairs. Mr. Abdul Rahman Antulay is the Minority Affairs Minister and Mr. Shafi Qureshi is the Chairman of National Commission on Minorities. In addition, Sonia’s handpick Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy is also a Christian (again, to deceive the gullible Hindu public, he maintains a Hindu sounding name).
Prof. Valson Thampu, a Christian theologian, an academic and author, Chairman, NCERT Curriculum Review Committee, is a known Hindu baiter. Mr. John Dayal, Chairman of Indian Catholic Union, notorious for his hate mongering proclivity, is playing a very disastrous role in National Integration Council. Anti-Hindu UPA government uses the services of Mr. John Dayal and Mr. Kanchan Ilaya, another Hindu hater, to lobby with the U.N. and U.S. Congress, to drive a wedge in Hindu society and weaken it.
From the above, it is absolutely clear that India is actually being ruled either by the Moslems or by Christians. The situation for Hindus in India, in short, could be described as abysmally apocalyptic.
While most Hindus are busy in their daily chores like earning a living, doing yoga, making money, celebrating festivals, enjoying their lives, building temples, our adversaries have hatched very sinister plans to enslave us politically and then obliterate Hindu Dharma from the Indian soil. As a matter of fact, the Hindus are under a multi-pronged seize.
Muslim population in the world is approximately 1.3 billion. They have more than 54 countries. It is a paradox that Hindus with approximately one billion adherents in the world do not have even one country where they could live without any fear of being terrorized! We must rectify this dichotomy at the earliest.
Because of our internal squabbles, in the medieval period, Afghans and Moguls used us to fight for them and finally they subjugated India. Now, because of our disunity, myopic vision, apathy, selfishness, greed, and ego-centric attitude, the Islamists, Christians and Communists are vying with one another to control Hindus politically.
The next Parliamentary elections are round the corner. If Hindus really want to jettison the anti-Hindu forces (such as Mulayam Singh Yadav, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Ramvilas Paswan, the deadly combination of Leftists-cum-Islamists), who have entrenched themselves in the corridors of power and reduced Hindus to second class citizens in their own country, Hindus have to shed their squeamishness, and make a Machiavellian move to end this sordid chapter of servitude and vulnerability.
Here are some of the suggestions which if implemented seriously could bring the desired results:
1. First of all, Hindus have to set their own house in order. RSS/VHP/BJP/ ABVP/Bajrang Dal/Shiv Sena/Akali Dal and other Hindu-Sikh groups should put their heads together and take an oath in the name of God that they would use all the resources at their disposal to ensure the victory of Hindu forces at any cost. They have to pledge sincerely that they would not say or do anything that would create a rift in the Hindu United Front.
2. There are 150,000 millionaires and 40 billionaires in India – mostly Hindus. Further, the assets of NRIs alone are worth one trillion US dollars. This colossal financial power of Hindus has to be used properly to revitalize and reinvigorate the Hindu nation. We have to convince our wealthy brothers that their riches will be reduced to zero in the next 75 years, if Hindus become a minority in India, as it happened in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indian Kashmir.
3. We have to devise appropriate methods to approach these wealthy Hindus and encourage them to form a cartel of Hindu millionaires/ billionaires. We should urge all our Hindu brothers to play the role of Bhama Shah who had offered his entire wealth to Maharana Pratap Singh to fight the Mogul tyrant Akbar.
4. We should assuage the hurt feelings of our Hindu brothers, Sadhus and Sant Samaj who have grievances against the BJP and win back their trust. Then, we should organize and mobilize Dharmacharyas with the help of Acharya Sabha and Vishwa Hindu Parishad. If all of them work with a missionary zeal, we could certainly turn the tables on our opponents.
5. We should also feverishly try to bring back in our fold the leaders like Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Uma Bharati and others. We should suitably accommodate leaders like Kalyan Singh and Vinay Katiyar. (In the past, we have sought cooperation of Mayawati, Mulayam Singh, Ram Vilas Paswan, several times. Now, there is no harm in taking back our own people without humiliating them.)
6. We should hire media professionals and use E-mail system, print and electronic media intelligently and to the fullest possible extent.
7. If Hindus vote strategically, it is not hard at all to form a pro-Hindu government in India. Everything depends on how enthusiastically, forcefully and honestly we work.
8. If we manage to bring the 40% Hindu population to the polling booths, we can easily form a pro-Hindu government. I do not think it is a stupendous task.
9. Our leaders should learn to speak with unshakeable confidence in their capability and inflexible determination to achieve the requisite results.
10. If the BJP leaders come up with a clear cut resolve and message that upon being voted to power they would extripate terrorism from the Indian soil, I am absolutely certain that all the Hindu-Sikh people will vote for BJP.
11. Our leaders and volunteers should shun the lackadaisical attitude. We should carry on no-holds-barred high-decibel campaign to denounce and discredit our adversaries.
12. There are about 50 Parliamentary seats in India where non-Hindu votes do not count. We would suggest that VHP, Uma Bharati and other staunch Hindu leaders in consultation with BJP and RSS strategically field their candidates in these places. However, all the parties should ensure that Hindu votes are not polarized.
13. BJP can rake up a ruckus in their election campaigning on the question of exorbitant price rise and, thereby, they can utilize voters’ disenchantment with the government in its favor.
We have to affirm: “Enough is enough.” For the survival of Hindu civilization, it is absolutely essential that Hindus wake up from the deep slumber and learn to work in unison. There is no time for dilly-dallying.
The global race for conquering the soul of India is going on apace. Furthermore, we are familiar with the well-known adage that time and tide wait for none. Therefore, cudgel up your sleeves and be ready to take control of your destiny in your own hands.
We should also remember that limitations are only in the mind. In reality, nothing is truly unattainable for those who dream big.
Narain Kataria
TERRORISM AWARENESS CAMPAIGN IN FRONT OF WHITE HOUSE DURING PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA PARADE ON JANUARY 20,2009While more than one million people were jubilantly dancing and celebrating Barack Obama’s inauguration as 44th President of the United States of America, Hindu groups from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Virginia, in cooperation with Jewish, Christians and Sikh organizations, under the banner of Coalition for Peace, staged a successful demonstration in front of White House from 1.00 to 4:00 p.m. in the freezing temperatures. The demonstration could be called successful because the organizers and activists were interviewed by professional media and private bloggers. In addition to that thousands of onlookers evinced keen interest in the demonstration and wanted to know more about radical Islamic movement in America. These groups had assembled there to exercise their right of freedom of speech guaranteed under the US Constitution and they created a sort of history on that day. Their principal purpose in assembling was to spread the awareness among the general American public about the dangers arising out of radical Islamic terrorism unleashed by the adherent of an ideology that openly preaches hate, intolerance, murder and mayhem of innocent people. In their message, the demonstrators, approximately one hundred in number, urged President Obama to help protect the free world from radical Islam. They carried banners saying “President Obama, Yes You Can! For World Peace,” “Stop Pakistan’s Double Game,” “Seize Saudi Arabia's Assets to Pay for Crimes Against Humanity,” “Reform Radical Islamic Madrasas,” “Force Iran to halt its nuclear weapons program because it directly threatens Israel,” “Pressurize Pakistan to Disband Terrorist Training Camps” and so on. The youthful demonstrators pointed out that the same ideology that caused the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York, 11/26/2008 massacre in Mumbai two months ago, 7/7/2005 attack on London’s transport network, 3/11/2004 Madrid train bombing, 9/1/2004 merciless murder of school children at Beslan, Russia, 3/5/2003 terror blast in Bali, Indonesia, has in the last ten years resulted in the murder of thousands of Indians (mostly Hindus) in hundreds of terror incidents. The same ideology also threatens to wipe out Israel from the face of the Earth. It has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan and Bangladesh, reduced the Hindu numbers in Pakistan from 23% in 1947 to 1% now. “Islamist terrorism is a problem not just for India and Israel, but it is a dangerous menace for the entire Free World. It is also a problem for those Muslims who yearn for the freedom of thought, as opposed to the tyranny imposed on them by Islamist theology,” said Arish Sahani, one of the organizers of the protest. The demonstrators argued that political Islam, fueled by oil revenues, “is nothing short of a serious threat to the humanity and freedom of thought.” “It is absolutely essential for the US, the world’s only Super Power, to take a lead in exterminating the terrorism from the face of Earth. Mr. Obama, yes, you can!” said Narain Kataria. Mr. Kataria further said that Pakistan is not only the epicenter of terrorism but also a breeding ground for future hard core terrorists. Many groups that supported the rally included Hindu Human Rights Watch, Americans for a Safe Israel, Jewish Action Alliance, Indian American Intellectuals Forum, Zionist Organization of America, Christians’ Israel Public Action Campaign, Christians and Jews United for Israel, Maccabean Resistance Movement and Namdhari Sikh Foundation. Mr. Richard A. Hellman, President of Middle East Research Center, Ltd. also took part in the demonstration. The Jewish Voice and Opinion group of Englewood, NJ, also supported the campaign. “Joining the Coalition for Peace , which will also reach out to the like-minded Hindus, Christians and moderate Muslims, is one of the Jewish community’s best options for making a difference in the struggle to overcome Islamist terrorism, ” said Susan Rosenbluth, editor of The Jewish Voice and Opinion. “In order to prevent a repeat of the Mumbai terror attacks elsewhere in the world, it is incumbent upon the entire humanity to work together, and impress upon and implore President Barack Obama to lead us in this battle for peace” said Mr. Dosapati, another organizer of this campaign. Check or email