Friday, June 25, 2010

Pamela Geller, Narain Kataria and Arish Sahani Outside Community Board 1 in New York - on youtube

Pamela Geller, Narain Kataria and Arish Sahani Outside Community Board 1 in New York - on youtube

Please watch the video

Arish Sahani, left, of New York, puts on an American Flag tie, and Linda Rivera, right, of New York

Please watch the video.

Thousands rally to oppose construction of the mosque near Ground Zero in New York

Thousands rally to oppose construction of the mosque near Ground Zero in New York

Narain Kataria in New York

(718) 478-5735/(718) 271-0453

A Rally to oppose construction of the mosque near Ground Zero was organized by “Stop the Islamization of America”, an organization headed by Pamela Geller, a dynamic speaker and a well known journalist and Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch and a prominent expert on Islamic Studies, on June 6th.

The rally was a big success. In this rally, 3000 to 5000 people representing Jewish, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Ex-Muslims whole-heartedly and enthusiastically participated.

Approximately 250 to 300 Hindus and Sikhs from tri-state area led by Narain Kataria, Arish Sahani, President and Vice President, respectively, of Indian American Intellectuals Forum; Satya Dosapati, President, Hindu Human Rights Watch; and Bhupinder Singh Bhurji, Chairman, Namdhari Sikh Foundation of USA, took part in the Rally.

Statement issued to national and ethnic media by Narain Kataria

First of all I would like to tell you that I am the survivor of the Partition of India which took place in 1947 in which more than 10 million Hindus were driven out of Islamic Republic of Pakistan . I have seen with my own eyes, my Hindu and Sikh brothers being murdered by jihadists. I have seen Hindu and Sikh girls being molested and raped by uncouth, crude and brute jihadists.

I am the student of History. I have Master’s degree in World History. I have been watching unprecedented brutalities and savageries being perpetrated on Hindus in India , Pakistan and Bangladesh for the last 60 years. I am aware of the massacre of 2.5 million Hindus who were butchered by Pakistani army in Bangladesh in 1971. I have seen the miserable plight of 400,000 Kashmiri Hindus who were harassed and finally chased out by jihadists, and are still languishing in refugee camps.

I am a Hindu American living in this country for the last 40 years. I consider America as a paradise on earth. America has given all of its citizens individual liberty and freedom of religion. The jihadists have created a fear psychosis all over the world. The rise of radical Islam in this country has created an anxiety and fear in my mind about the safety and security of my children. I have come here to caution my fellow Americans to benefit from my personal experience and oppose the barbarian and totalitarian ideology extolling the virtue of violence, intolerance and hatred.

We oppose construction of the mosque near Ground Zero because we feel that it is a very sensitive issue. It is an offensive and reprehensible act. It is an insult and humiliation to the families of more than 3000 victims of 9/11 - fire fighters and security personnel who lost their lives.

We oppose the mosque because the terrorists who killed 3000 Americans were trained in mosques from their childhood.

Moreover there is some sort of relationship between a mosque and terrorism. Madraasas (Islamic religious schools) are conducted by Imams. After rigorous training in madraasas, Taliban (students) becomes jihadists. After some time these jihadists become full-fledged terrorists.

For example, in Pakistan there are 20,000 madrasas. These 20,000 madrasaas produce half a million Taliban every year. Out of these half a million Taliban, 10,000 become dangerous jihadists. These jihadists go all over the world and unleash the reign of terror and slaughter innocent people in the name of Allah.

The terrorists who killed innocent people in New York on 9/11, in Mumbai , Madrid , Bali, Beslan, London , Delhi , Nigeria and Cairo were connected with one or the other mosque.

In addition to that 75% of these madraasas are controlled by Wahabi sect of Islam who preach extreme form of Islam.

Since 9/11/2001, the followers of the so called “religion of peace” have carried out 15101 deadly terrorist attacks and killed more than 75,000 people. ( )

Imam Abdul Rauf, the chief o Cordoba Initiative building the mosque, wants to impose Sharia law in USA . Sharia is antithesis of democracy. Sharia Law denies equal rights to women. It wants women to put on burqa from tip to toe. It does not allow women to drive. Under Sharia law, in Pakistan ’s north western region, Talibans burnt all the music video stores and schools for women. Under Sharia law, if anyone is found guilty, his limbs are chopped off. Sharia Law is completely derogatory in nature and incompatible with our Constitution.

Imam Abdul Rauf does not believe that World Trade Center was destroyed by Muslims. Instead of blaming his co-religionists, Imam Abdul Rauf finds fault with America ’s foreign policy.

Imam Abdul Rauf is the head of Cordoba Initiative. Cordoba is a city in Spain where Islamists had established Caliphate to rule over Western Europe which lasted until 1236. It was the period of suffocation and enslavement for Christians and Jewish people. During that period, thousands of churches were vandalized and destroyed and untold brutalities and savageries were heaped on Christians and Jewish people. Cordoba is the symbol of Islamic victory and supremacy of Islam over Europe . Muslims feel proud when they talk about Cordoba and the dishonor and degradation of non-Muslims. It is the symbol of Islamic domination over Europe and subjugation of non-Muslims. Imam Rauf wants to establish Islamic ascendancy and authority over America .

Turkey is considered to be a moderate Islamic nation. But last month, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said: “the mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers”.

The other day one Imam Abdullah Faarooq exhorted Muslims to grab gun, grab sword and do you job.

Imam Abdul Rauf is a devout Muslim. He is an expert on Islam. He is a shrewd person. He must be fully familiar with the law of Al Taquia which enjoins on Muslims to lie, cheat, use stratagem and sophistry to promote the cause of Islam. We are not sure whether he is playing law of Al Taquia with naïve and gullible infidel Americans or not.

All the above factors have created a concern, suspicion and distrust in New Yorkers about the hidden intent behind the construction of the mosque; and hence the opposition.

Dr. Babu Suseelan, Director of Indian American Intellectuals Forum and former Professor of Psychology and Director of Addiction Research Foundation delivered a powerful speech narrating his experience from Hindu perspective. Here is the complete report of his speech.


Dr. Babu Suseelan

On behalf of the Hindus in America and the Indian American Intellectuals Forum, it gives me immense pleasure to know that American citizens have woken up to the suffocating, totalitarian closed political dogma which is paraded as a religion. Yes, 60% of Islamic scriptures are political dealing with treatment of infidels, non believers and 31% is about Jihad, how to make the infidel submit to Islam through deceit and terror.

Now the descendants of the closed political dogma which is meant for invasion, destruction, plunder and looting have decided to construct a 13 story Mosque cloaked as part of Cultural Center at Ground Zero. We are American citizens of different faiths protesting construction of a huge Mosque at sacred Ground Zero where more than 3000 people were killed by Islamic terrorists, for no other reason than that they were citizens of this country?

For us, Ground Zero is a war memorial, a burial ground, a sacred ground to American citizens. It invokes deep sentiments. Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, the Islamic leader says the Mosque is intended to show good will. If the real intention is to show good will, given that it was destroyed with chantings of Allahu Akbar, should it not have worship centers for the religions of all those who lost their lives? Who is funding this so called center of tolerance? The very countries that spread intolerance. Why is the name Cordoba , which is the first historic symbol of conquest of West? Imam Rauf blamed America for 9/11. Know this, the 9/11 Mosque is not a symbol of understanding, it is a symbol of conquest. Imam Rauf is master of Taqiyya, the use of deception to forward Islam. Wafa Sultan, a former Muslim said so well. What Faisal Shahzad failed at Times Square with overt Jihad, Imam Rauf will succeed with stealth Jihad.

What is a Mosque? The Islamic Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it clearly: “Mosques are our barracks, the Domes are helmets, the minarets are bayonets and the faithful are soldiers.” The Islamic Turkish prime minister’s version is same as that of Bin laden, Nasrallah, Ayatollah Khomeini, and Imam Awlaki. Almost every Islamic atrocities around the world are committed after fiery sermons during Friday prayers. We got to be concerned. Why? 3 out of 4 Mosques in this country are Saudi funded that teach anti American values and/or has terrorist connections. 30,000 Muslim children are taught intolerance and outright rejection of American values. Tomorrow's terrorist will not come Pakistan , it will come from this very soil, from the intolerant teachings of many Mosques in this country.

Throughout history Islamists have destroyed houses of worship built by virtually every other faith under the sun and build Mosques as symbol of conquests. Worldwide Islam has plundered tens of thousands of Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist Churches , Synagogues, Temples and Monasteries. They killed 270 million people and left devastations, in great countries taking their men as slaves and women as sex slaves sold in Arabian markets. Since 9/11 they murdered more than 75,000 people across more than 20 countries.

Islamists follow the example of Muhammad? Muhammad offered peace when he was cornered or outnumbered and then launched surprise attack. The Mosque is not their concession to peace and reconciliation but a powerful symbol of defiance and the excuse to build more of them, fooling us by waving olive branch before our eyes.

We Hindus and Sikhs have a story to tell. Islamists killed 80 million of us since 700 AD and continues to kill. They destroyed 3,000 glorious temples and build Mosques over them or used the material from the temples as foot stone for Mosque, as symbol of conquest. In 700 AD our country, the combined Afghanistan , Pakistan , India and Bangla Desh had more than 25% of world's GDP. The Islamists ravaged the country and brought it to knees in few hundred years. In just last 60 years Islamists in Pakistan wiped out infidel Hindus and Sikh populations from 25% to less than 1%. What happened to the millions? Islamists drove away 350,000 Kashmiri Hindus who are currently living as refugees in their own country in squalid camps for last 18 years. Between 2004-2008, India has largest number of terror deaths and incidents where many Hindu Temples are targeted, with the numbers of people died and the terror incidents being only next to Iraq . There is ongoing terrible genocide of Hindus in Bangla Desh with such discriminatory laws that categorizes all infidel property as Government property that can be taken over any time.

America is a great country today. If we are not vigilant, these Islamists will gradually chip out all that is build over 200+ years in short span of few decades or two generations. It happened in Persia , Egypt , Babylon , Mesopotamia, Damascus , Jerusalem , Istanbul , Bulgaria and Spain . Construction of a Mosque at Ground Zero may be viewed an attempt to repeat Islamic history in America . If built, this mega Mosque will represent an icon in the Islamic world for the global Jihad. If succeeded, Islamists will continue their onslaught onto all the key centers of this country and in the future these Mosques will be used at appropriate time to bring down this country, as it has been throughout the history. We should not allow Islamists plans to put a Mosque on top of Ground Zero the way they put Mosques at Ayodhya, Kashi, Mathura , Damascus , and on the Top of Temple Mount in Jerusalem . We should let Muslims know that is how this proposed Mosque is perceived and Muslims must have to be sensitive to that. Sensitivity is not one way traffic.

America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Freedom in all its form is our greatest legacy. Individual religious freedom is enshrined in our constitution. There is no document more important as a guarantor of religious freedom than the U.S constitution. We should not allow a huge barrack (Mosque) where Imams can preach hatred and train soldiers who has no faith in our constitution or liberty. We value freedom, creativity, reason and progressive ideas. Unlike us, people who follow the totalitarian political ideology originated in the 6th century do not seem to understand or cherish our constitution and the timeless principles of liberty. We value reason, creative thinking, and positive life. Jihadists hate reasoning, and love death. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is our motto. America remains as the last bastion of human freedom and democracy. We should not buckle, bend or collapse before the violent and stealth forces of Islam. There will be nothing stopping Islamic offensive after that. Do we have to invite or permit people who want to die for a fictitious entity and to exploit our freedom, and thrive in this country? As Imam Rauf himself admitted, Islamists love after life in heaven than this life and they get to that heaven by following the Islamic scriptures that make it their duty of conducting Jihad of deceit and terror against Infidels. Not understanding what Islam and its history is, our cowardly and politically correct media and elected officials are causing great harm to this country and putting us in great danger.

The U.S constitution guarantees freedom of expression. It is a document of equality of man and women. Koran on the other hand is most dictatorial, intolerant, divisive and instigator against the non-Muslims calling them kaffir or infidels who are equivalent to Urine, Feces, Pigs and dead body. In this context the proposed Mosque in New York City is yet another daring act of sheer provocation that will become a rallying point for the world’s worst fascism of Islamists, whose scriptures spew hatred towards Jews and infidels that is many times worse than that of Hitler's Mein Kampf? It will continue the invasion of America 's open institutions of Political, Intellectual, Finance as well as Media by Saudi using our petro dollars.

Unlike our constitution and laws, in every Islamic country government statute books are riddled with discriminatory laws. The blasphemy laws are used to harm non Muslims. The culture of intolerance is ingrained in every Islamist country's laws and scriptures. If Imam Rauf is sincere and committed for building bridges, he should work sincerely for removing the worst 164 Jihad verses in the Koran that advocate terrible violence and terrorism against infidels. He should work to build churches, synagogues and temples in Saudi Arabia . He should stop the terrorism and hate against Christians in Egypt and Sudan and on Hindus in Bangladesh and India . He should work to remove the discriminatory laws in almost all Islamic countries. That is the way to build tolerance and bridges.

We are here to protest the Mosque construction. Why? I quote Einstein “The world is a dangerous place not because there are bad people doing evil things, but it is because good people who do nothing about it,”

We are here today because of our thoughts on American dream. A nation which does not proceed from noble thoughts is nothing at all. We are here to preserve our liberty, protect our democracy for us and the children yet to be born. We are here today to pay a price to protect our freedom from those who subscribes to totalitarian, conflict producing, divisive, reductionist dogma.

We appeal to all leaders of the free world to study the history of Islam. The media and the intellectuals have a great responsibility to study the intransigence of Islamists and understand the reasons behind the deafening silence of Muslims and dedicate their service to promote open, pluralistic, tolerant life in all Islamic nations.

Let the tragedy of India , the world’s largest democracy, not repeat itself in the U.S, the world’s strongest democracy.

My dear brothers and sisters of America , please rest assured that in this historic struggle against Islamic tyranny, you are not alone. The entire free world is ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with you.


Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and many other prominent speakers also spoke on the rally. For their speeches, please click on the following:

Click at the following to see all the pictures of the rally.

For more pictures, please click on the following:








Please click on the following link or cut and paste in the www. colum

Narain Kataria

Friday, June 18, 2010


41-67 Judge Street, Suite 5P
Elmhurst, New York 11373

(718) 478-5735/(718) 271-0453


It is a matter of great regret that first-time Bollywood Director Rakesh Ranjan Kumar is making the movie “Dear Friend Hitler”, starring Anupam Kher and Neha Dhupia. This movie is to be released by the end of the year.

In the history of humanity Hitler is regarded as an ultimate evil that sent six million Jewish to the gas chambers and propelled the world to second world war that caused the death of tens of millions of people. Hence this news has sent shock waves to many Israeli friends of India in Israel, UK, USA and many other countries.

Indo-IsraelI cooperation in the field of military intelligence, space and missile technology is growing steadily, much to the chagrin, disenchantment and mortification of the Left parties and pro-Islamic members within the Indian polity. Anti-India forces are deeply disturbed and highly perturbed at this teamwork. They want to sabotage this collaboration at any cost. Hence, it is absolutely essential that pro-India and pro-Israeli forces wake up to expose, defeat and thwart the mean and mendacious designs of anti-India lobby.

Indian American Intellectuals Forum* is firmly convinced that this movie is a part of deep-rooted political conspiracy hatched by the underworld Don Dawood Ibrahim who lords over Bollywood. Dawood is India's most wanted man suspected of having organized the 1993 Mumbai bombings, in collaboration with Pakistan’s spy agency ISI. It is widely suspected that the production of this movie is actuated by the ignoble desire calculated not only to jeopardize but also to completely torpedo the developing Indo-Israeli relationship in the following field.

Recently, Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd signed a $2.5 billion deal with India to develop Barak missile - an anti-aircraft system. Israelhas also surpassed Russia as the greatest arm supplier to India.

India is the largest customer of Israeli military equipment andIsrael is the second-largest military partner of India after theRussian Federation. As of 2009, the military business between the two nations is worth around US $9 billion. Military and strategic ties between the two nations extend to joint military training and space technology.

India is also the second-largest economic partner of Israel Currently, the two nations are negotiating an extensive bilateral trade pact.

This movie could also be the ploy of the sinister plot to drive a wedge between India and Israel, isolate India, militarily weaken it and balkanize it at an opportune time.

It is based on the movie Downfall/Der Untergang, that came in for sharp criticism for being sympathetic of the man responsible for the holocaust.

At the moment, Islamic Jihad is engulfing the entire world. Europeis in the throes of “demographic death”. In order to save the humanity from the brutalities and savageries of radical Islam, it is extremely important that one billion strong Hindus and Israelshould stand together like a rock.

Hence, on behalf of our Forum, I appeal to our supporters who value the Indo-Israeli and Hindu-Jewish friendship to raise their protest against this movie.

Narain Kataria

Note: We are sending this Press Release to Indian Consul General, Mr. Prabhu Dayal for onward transmission to concerned Government officials in India for necessary action as deemed fit.

*Indian American Intellectuals Forum is an advocacy group organized and existing under the laws of the state of New York. It aims at strengthening Indo-American relationship. It also spreads awareness about the menace of terrorism in this country.